% Natural Land Cover in Catchment (3)
| 0.000000 - 20.000000 |
| 20.000001 - 40.000000 |
| 40.000001 - 60.000000 |
| 60.000001 - 80.000000 |
| 80.000001 - 100.000000 |
% Tree Canopy in the Riparian Zone (4)
| 0.000000 - 15.940000 |
| 15.940001 - 40.520000 |
| 40.520001 - 62.580002 |
| 62.580003 - 82.720001 |
| 82.720002 - 100.000000 |
% Natural Land in the Riparian Zone (5)
| 0.000000 - 23.840000 |
| 23.840001 - 48.910000 |
| 48.910001 - 70.099998 |
| 70.099999 - 88.730003 |
| 88.730004 - 100.000000 |
Housing Unit Density 2010 (unit/km2) (6)
| 0.000000 - 10.000000 |
| 10.000001 - 100.000000 |
| 100.000001 - 200.000000 |
| 200.000001 - 500.000000 |
| 500.000001 - 5000.000000 |
Chesapeake Conservancy Active and Abandon Mine Area (km2) (7)
| 0.000000 |
| 0.000001 - 1.000000 |
| 1.000001 - 5.000000 |
% Impervious Cover in Catchment (8)
| 0.000000 - 20.000000 |
| 20.000001 - 40.000000 |
| 40.000001 - 60.000000 |
| 60.000001 - 80.000000 |
| 80.000001 - 100.000000 |
% Turf Grass in Catchment (9)
| 0.000000 - 20.000000 |
| 20.000001 - 40.000000 |
| 40.000001 - 60.000000 |
| 60.000001 - 80.000000 |
| 80.000001 - 100.000000 |
% Forest in Catchment (11)
| 0.000000 - 25.000000 |
| 25.000001 - 45.000000 |
| 45.000001 - 55.000000 |
| 55.000001 - 75.000000 |
| 80.000001 - 100.000000 |
Road Stream Crossings in Watershed (crossings/km2) (12)
| 0.000000 - 0.500000 |
| 0.500001 - 0.750000 |
| 0.750001 - 1.500000 |
| 1.500001 - 2.000000 |
| 2.000001 - 10.000000 |
% Wetlands in Catchment (13)
| 0.000000 - 5.000000 |
| 5.000001 - 10.000000 |
| 10.000001 - 30.000000 |
| 30.000001 - 60.000000 |
| 80.000001 - 100.000000 |
Flow Alteration Score (1-12) (14)
| 1 |
| 2 |
| 3 |
| 4 |
| 5 |
| 6 |
| 7 |
| 8 |
| 9 |
| 10 |
| 11 |
| 12 |
Dam Density in Watershed (dams/km2) (16)
| 0.000000 - 0.050000 |
| 0.050001 - 0.250000 |
| 0.250001 - 1.000000 |
| 1.000001 - 1.500000 |
| 1.500001 - 3.700000 |
Road Density in Watershed (km/km2) (17)
| 0.000000 - 1.500000 |
| 1.500001 - 3.000000 |
| 3.000001 - 6.000000 |
| 6.000001 - 10.000000 |
| 10.000001 - 20.000000 |
Streambank lateral erosion rate (cm yr-1) (18)
| -4.230000 - -2.410000 |
| -2.409999 - -1.880000 |
| -1.879999 - -1.460000 |
| -1.459999 - -0.660000 |
| -0.659999 - 0.000000 |
Streambank change (m2 yr-1) (19)
| -0.168000 - -0.090000 |
| -0.089999 - -0.064000 |
| -0.063999 - -0.043000 |
| -0.042999 - -0.017000 |
| -0.016999 - 0.000000 |
Streambank sediment flux (kg-sed m-1 yr-1) (20)
| -158.399994 - -96.900002 |
| -96.900001 - -61.299999 |
| -61.299998 - -40.700001 |
| -40.700000 - -17.700001 |
| -17.700000 - 0.000000 |
Streambed D50 (mm yr-1) (21)
| -0.168000 - -0.090000 |
| -0.089999 - -0.064000 |
| -0.063999 - -0.043000 |
| -0.042999 - -0.017000 |
| -0.016999 - 0.000000 |
Streambed fine sediment cover (kg-finsed m-1 yr-1) (22)
| -66.300003 - -29.440001 |
| -29.440000 - -22.049999 |
| -22.049998 - -14.810000 |
| -14.809999 - -5.870000 |
| -5.869999 - 0.000000 |
Streambed fine sediment + sand cover (%) (23)
| 0.000000 - 10.000000 |
| 10.000001 - 15.000000 |
| 15.000001 - 30.000000 |
| 30.000001 - 50.000000 |
| 50.000001 - 100.000000 |
Percent Impervious in Riparian Zone in Catchment (24)
| 0.000000 - 4.650000 |
| 4.650001 - 15.310000 |
| 15.310001 - 33.029999 |
| 33.030000 - 58.849998 |
| 58.849999 - 100.000000 |
Natures Network terrestrial, aquatic and imperiled species cores overlap (km2) (26)
| 0.000000 |
| 0.000001 - 0.024300 |
| 0.024301 - 0.108900 |
| 0.108901 - 0.403200 |
| 0.403201 - 22.765499 |
Natures Network terrestrial and imperiled species cores overlap (km2) (27)
| 0.000000 |
| 0.000001 - 0.007200 |
| 0.007201 - 0.025200 |
| 0.025201 - 0.062100 |
| 0.062101 - 0.714600 |
Natures Network terrestrial and aquatic cores overlap (km2) (28)
| 0.000000 |
| 0.000001 - 0.004500 |
| 0.004501 - 0.016200 |
| 0.016201 - 0.041400 |
| 0.041401 - 1.427400 |
Natures Network aquatic and imperiled species cores overlap (km2) (29)
| 0.000000 |
| 0.000001 - 0.003600 |
| 0.003601 - 0.011700 |
| 0.011701 - 0.031500 |
| 0.031501 - 1.336500 |
Natures Network terrestrial cores (km2) (30)
| 0.000000 |
| 0.000001 - 0.052200 |
| 0.052201 - 0.297000 |
| 0.297001 - 0.961200 |
| 0.961201 - 35.933399 |
Natures Network aquatic cores (km2) (31)
| 0.000000 |
| 0.000001 - 0.006300 |
| 0.006301 - 0.023400 |
| 0.023401 - 0.080100 |
| 0.080101 - 3.090600 |
Natures Network core habitat and imperiled species (km2) (32)
| 0.000000 |
| 0.000001 - 0.007200 |
| 0.007201 - 0.029700 |
| 0.029701 - 0.113400 |
| 0.113401 - 6.015600 |
Natures Network terrestrial core to core connectors (km2) (33)
| 0.000000 |
| 0.000001 - 0.019800 |
| 0.019801 - 0.110700 |
| 0.110701 - 0.464400 |
| 0.464401 - 9.666000 |
MBSS Stronghold Watersheds (km2) (34)
| 0.000000 - 1.000000 |
| 1.000001 - 3.500000 |
| 3.500001 - 7.000000 |
| 7.000001 - 14.000000 |
| 14.000001 - 31.000000 |
MD Biodiversity Conservation Network Tier 1 (km2) (35)
| 0.000000 - 0.300308 |
| 0.300309 - 1.116779 |
| 1.116780 - 2.500738 |
| 2.500739 - 4.580309 |
| 4.580310 - 12.324030 |
MD Biodiversity Conservation Network Tier 2 (km2) (36)
| 0.000000 - 0.500000 |
| 0.500001 - 1.000000 |
| 1.000001 - 2.500000 |
| 2.500001 - 4.500000 |
| 4.500001 - 9.000000 |
MD Biodiversity Conservation Network Tier 3 (km2) (37)
| 0.000000 - 0.500000 |
| 0.500001 - 1.500000 |
| 1.500001 - 3.500000 |
| 3.500001 - 8.500000 |
| 8.500001 - 28.000000 |
MD Biodiversity Conservation Network Tier 4 (km2) (38)
| 0.000000 - 0.500000 |
| 0.500001 - 2.000000 |
| 2.000001 - 3.500000 |
| 3.500001 - 8.000000 |
| 8.000001 - 21.000000 |
MD Biodiversity Conservation Network Tier 5 (km2) (39)
| 0.000000 - 0.500000 |
| 0.500001 - 1.000000 |
| 1.000001 - 2.500000 |
| 2.500001 - 4.500000 |
| 4.500001 - 14.000000 |
Stream miles of 303d impairments (41)
| 0.000000 - 0.500000 |
| 0.500001 - 1.500000 |
| 1.500001 - 3.000000 |
| 3.000001 - 7.000000 |
| 7.000001 - 18.000000 |
Incremental total phosphorus load (kg/yr) (42)
| 0.000000 - 387.357117 |
| 387.357118 - 2756.325195 |
| 2756.325196 - 8474.558594 |
| 8474.558595 - 31961.638672 |
| 31961.638673 - 71467.539063 |
Incremental total phosphorus load from point-source wastewater treatment facilities (kg/yr) (43)
| 0.000000 - 862.326111 |
| 862.326112 - 2945.489746 |
| 2945.489747 - 8427.154297 |
| 8427.154298 - 31954.074219 |
| 31954.074220 - 71373.898438 |
Incremental total phosphorus load from fertilizer applications (kg/yr) (44)
| 0.000000 - 35.336365 |
| 35.336366 - 117.940865 |
| 117.940866 - 270.808289 |
| 270.808290 - 599.008484 |
| 599.008485 - 1656.675781 |
Incremental total phosphorus load from manure applications (kg/yr) (45)
| 0.000000 - 71.606537 |
| 71.606538 - 292.069275 |
| 292.069276 - 731.445618 |
| 731.445619 - 1857.906494 |
| 1857.906495 - 3776.990479 |
Incremental total phosphorus load from urban non-point sources (kg/yr) (46)
| 0.000000 - 43.423351 |
| 43.423352 - 146.602829 |
| 146.602830 - 347.934265 |
| 347.934266 - 785.846802 |
| 785.846803 - 1983.078247 |
Incremental total nitrogen load (kg/yr) (47)
| 0.000000 - 3283.982910 |
| 3283.982911 - 11665.972656 |
| 11665.972657 - 37642.824219 |
| 37642.824220 - 137724.734375 |
| 137724.734376 - 970108.062500 |
Incremental total nitrogen load from wastewater treatment facility point sources (kg/yr) (48)
| 0.000000 - 2452.939697 |
| 2452.939698 - 13163.175781 |
| 13163.175782 - 44741.824219 |
| 44741.824220 - 100127.218750 |
| 100127.218751 - 969924.875000 |
Incremental total nitrogen load from fertilizer applications (kg/yr) (49)
| 0.000000 - 826.187012 |
| 826.187013 - 2854.831543 |
| 2854.831544 - 6225.664551 |
| 6225.664552 - 12925.415039 |
| 12925.415040 - 31696.214844 |
Incremental total nitrogen load from septic system effluent (kg/yr) (50)
| 0.000000 - 146.740982 |
| 146.740983 - 482.851044 |
| 482.851045 - 1130.083130 |
| 1130.083131 - 2379.752686 |
| 2379.752687 - 7017.527832 |
Incremental total nitrogen load from manure applications (kg/yr) (51)
| 0.000000 - 491.792450 |
| 491.792451 - 1824.546509 |
| 1824.546510 - 4629.601074 |
| 4629.601075 - 9305.090820 |
| 9305.090821 - 17118.042969 |
Incremental total nitrogen load from other urban non-point sources (kg/yr) (52)
| 0.000000 - 329.992462 |
| 329.992463 - 1299.838623 |
| 1299.838624 - 3893.783691 |
| 3893.783692 - 10641.155273 |
| 10641.155274 - 25361.855469 |
Incremental suspended-sediment load (megagrams per year) (53)
| 0.000000 - 380.050873 |
| 380.050874 - 4195.393066 |
| 4195.393067 - 19074.796875 |
| 19074.796876 - 53762.675781 |
| 53762.675782 - 120729.773438 |
Incremental suspended-sediment load from streambank erosion (megagrams per year) (54)
| 0.000000 - 1900.115723 |
| 1900.115724 - 10325.374023 |
| 10325.374024 - 30388.447266 |
| 30388.447267 - 53464.699219 |
| 53464.699220 - 120711.093750 |
Incremental suspended-sediment load from non-agricultural and non-urban uplands (megagrams per year) (55)
| 0.000000 - 4.015718 |
| 4.015719 - 11.464452 |
| 11.464453 - 24.880518 |
| 24.880519 - 52.471245 |
| 52.471246 - 194.008469 |
Incremental suspended-sediment load from urban uplands with fine sediment (megagrams per year) (56)
| 0.000000 - 16.623077 |
| 16.623078 - 68.447449 |
| 68.447450 - 177.318802 |
| 177.318803 - 458.139008 |
| 458.139009 - 1211.679199 |
Incremental suspended-sediment load from urban uplands with medium or coarse sediment (megagrams per year) (57)
| 0.000000 - 3.589927 |
| 3.589928 - 12.646783 |
| 12.646784 - 30.804049 |
| 30.804050 - 79.647827 |
| 79.647828 - 167.659576 |
Incremental suspended-sediment load from urban uplands with residuum (megagrams per year) (58)
| 0.000000 - 37.792686 |
| 37.792687 - 135.850357 |
| 135.850358 - 338.438995 |
| 338.438996 - 767.546570 |
| 767.546571 - 1683.192749 |
Incremental suspended-sediment load from urban uplands with residuum (megagrams per year) (59)
| 0.000000 - 49.253632 |
| 49.253633 - 186.089508 |
| 186.089509 - 449.604980 |
| 449.604981 - 984.344543 |
| 984.344544 - 1976.341553 |
Incremental suspended-sediment load from agricultural uplands with medium or coarse sediment or residuum (megagrams per year) (60)
| 0.000000 - 31.472111 |
| 31.472112 - 101.289864 |
| 101.289865 - 208.486008 |
| 208.486009 - 400.578857 |
| 400.578858 - 1284.356445 |
Recent change in forest 2013-2017 in catchment (%) (63)
| -14.810000 - -2.090000 |
| -2.089999 - -0.410000 |
| -0.409999 - 0.370000 |
| 0.370001 - 1.720000 |
| 1.720001 - 5.700000 |
Recent change in impervious cover 2013-2017 in catchment (%) (64)
| -0.660000 - 0.070000 |
| 0.070001 - 0.310000 |
| 0.310001 - 0.930000 |
| 0.930001 - 2.120000 |
| 2.120001 - 4.090000 |
Projected change in impervious cover 2017-2035 in catchment (%) (65)
| -52.939999 - -15.790000 |
| -15.999999 - 0.000000 |
| 0.000001 - 5.000000 |
| 5.000001 - 15.000000 |
| 15.000001 - 100.000000 |
Change in housing unit density 1990-2010 (units/km2) (66)
| -787.503540 - -100.000000 |
| -199.999999 - 0.000000 |
| 0.000001 - 100.000000 |
| 100.000001 - 250.000000 |
| 250.000001 - 2500.000000 |
% Protected lands in catchment (67)
| 0.000000 - 20.000000 |
| 20.000001 - 40.000000 |
| 40.000001 - 60.000000 |
| 60.000001 - 80.000000 |
| 80.370001 - 100.000000 |
Agricultural Water Use in Catchment (gallons) (69)
| 0.000000 - 23538.417969 |
| 23538.417970 - 82365.796875 |
| 82365.796876 - 180989.515625 |
| 180989.515626 - 376082.156250 |
| 376082.156251 - 1008572.125000 |
Industrial Water Use in Catchment (gallons) (70)
| 0.000000 - 3.285116 |
| 3.285117 - 10.428841 |
| 10.428842 - 30.737564 |
| 30.737565 - 64.003082 |
| 64.003083 - 173.808731 |
Domestic Water Use in Catchment (gallons) (71)
| 0.000000 - 88043.210938 |
| 88043.210938 - 335314.000000 |
| 335314.000001 - 796282.562500 |
| 796282.562501 - 1612310.250000 |
| 1612310.250001 - 3789260.500000 |
Maryland Fire Priority Areas (km2) (73)
| 0.000000 - 0.983922 |
| 0.983923 - 3.188700 |
| 3.188701 - 6.853500 |
| 6.853501 - 14.644150 |
| 14.644151 - 39.163502 |
Change in probability of brook trout occurance, current conditions vs 6 degC (75)
| -0.758889 - -0.500000 |
| -0.486388 - -0.250000 |
| -0.294807 - -0.100000 |
| -0.127019 - -0.050000 |
| -0.028682 - 0.000000 |
Mean summer temperature (degC) (76)
| 14.035915 - 17.000000 |
| 17.000001 - 20.000000 |
| 20.000001 - 23.000000 |
| 20.000001 - 22.437334 |
| 26.000001 - 30.000000 |
Mean summer temperature (degC) w/ air temp +2 degC (77)
| 14.295177 - 17.000000 |
| 17.000001 - 20.000000 |
| 20.000001 - 23.000000 |
| 23.000001 - 26.000000 |
| 26.000001 - 30.000000 |
Mean summer temperature (degC) w/ air temp +4 degC (78)
| 14.554489 - 17.000000 |
| 17.000001 - 20.000000 |
| 20.000001 - 23.000000 |
| 23.000001 - 26.000000 |
| 26.000001 - 30.000000 |
Mean summer temperature (degC) w/ air temp +6 degC (79)
| 14.803838 - 17.000000 |
| 17.000001 - 20.000000 |
| 20.000001 - 23.000000 |
| 23.000001 - 26.000000 |
| 26.000001 - 30.000000 |
# Days/Year where temp > 18 degC (80)
| 0.746866 - 50.000000 |
| 50.000001 - 100.000000 |
| 100.000001 - 150.000000 |
| 100.000001 - 142.385147 |
| 200.000001 - 250.000000 |
# Days/Year where temp > 22 degC (81)
| 0.000000 - 50.000000 |
| 50.000001 - 100.000000 |
| 31.683055 - 51.146690 |
| 150.000001 - 200.000000 |
| 73.289743 - 170.509995 |
TNC slightly less resilient in catchment (km2) (82)
| 0.000000 - 0.282600 |
| 0.282601 - 0.928800 |
| 0.928801 - 1.962900 |
| 1.962901 - 3.811500 |
| 3.811501 - 7.627500 |
TNC average/medium resilient in catchment (km2) (83)
| 0.000000 - 0.436500 |
| 0.436501 - 1.435500 |
| 1.435501 - 3.357900 |
| 3.357901 - 8.112600 |
| 8.112601 - 23.642099 |
TNC more resilient in catchment (km2) (84)
| 0.000000 - 0.235800 |
| 0.235801 - 0.838800 |
| 0.838801 - 2.035800 |
| 2.035801 - 4.526100 |
| 4.526101 - 11.045700 |
TNC least resilient in catchment (km2) (85)
| 0.000000 - 0.131400 |
| 0.131401 - 0.481500 |
| 0.481501 - 1.112400 |
| 1.112401 - 2.269800 |
| 2.269801 - 7.452900 |
TNC less resilient in catchment (km2) (86)
| 0.000000 - 0.341100 |
| 0.341101 - 1.163700 |
| 1.163701 - 2.535300 |
| 2.535301 - 5.170500 |
| 5.170501 - 10.559700 |
TNC most resilient in catchment (km2) (87)
| 0.000000 - 0.121500 |
| 0.121501 - 0.443700 |
| 0.443701 - 0.980100 |
| 0.980101 - 2.255400 |
| 2.255401 - 4.919400 |
Index of estimated magnitude of climate stress exerted on habitats in 2080 (88)
| 0.000000 - 0.062804 |
| 0.100001 - 0.200000 |
| 0.200001 - 0.300000 |
| 0.300001 - 0.500000 |
| 0.500001 - 1.000000 |
Random Forest Predicted BIBI Score (90)
| fair_prob |
| good_prob |
| poor_prob |
| <all other values> |
Random Forest Predicted FIBI Score (91)
| fair_prob |
| good_prob |
| poor_prob |
| <all other values> |