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snippet: The major basin summary groups for which Chesapeake Bay Tributary Summaries are produced. The spatial data is dissolved using the Phase 6 River Segments.
summary: The major basin summary groups for which Chesapeake Bay Tributary Summaries are produced. The spatial data is dissolved using the Phase 6 River Segments.
extent: [[-81.0063737761306,36.5539863223953],[-74.5775281134868,42.9875088593059]]
thumbnail: thumbnail/thumbnail.png
maxScale: 1.7976931348623157E308
typeKeywords: ["Data","Service","Map Service","ArcGIS Server"]
description: <p>The Chesapeake Bay Program and its partners produce tributary basin summary reports for the Bay’s 13 major tributaries using tidal monitoring data from more than 130 monitoring stations throughout the mainstem and tidal portions of the Bay. These reports use water quality data to summarize 1) how tidal water quality (e.g., total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorus (TP), dissolved oxygen (DO), Chlorophyll a, and Secchi Depth) has changed over time, 2) how and which factors may influence water quality change over time, and 3) recent research connecting observed changes in aquatic conditions to its drivers.</p><p>The tributary summaries are the following:</p><ul><li>Choptank (includes the Choptank, Little Choptank, and Honga)</li><li>Potomac</li><li>Maryland Mainstem (includes the five Chesapeake Bay mainstem segments within the Maryland state boundary. Drainage basins include the Susquehanna River and upper Chesapeake Bay shorelines)</li><li>Maryland Upper Eastern Shore (includes the Northeast, Bohemia, Elk, Back Creek, Sassafras, and Chester Rivers, the Chesapeake &amp; Delaware Canal, and Eastern Bay)</li><li>Maryland Upper Western Shore (includes the Bush, Gunpowder, and Middle rivers)</li><li>Maryland Lower Western Shore (includes the Magothy, Severn, South, Rhode, and West rivers)</li><li>Patapsco and Back</li><li>Patuxent (includes the Western Branch tributary)</li><li>Rappahannock (includes the Corrotoman tributary)</li><li>York (includes the Mattaponi and Pamunkey tributaries)</li><li>James (includes the Appomattox, Chickahominy, and Elizabeth Tributaries)</li><li>Lower E. Shore (includes the Nanticoke, Manokin, Wicomico, Big Annemessex, and Pocomoke Rivers, and Tangier Sound)</li><li>Virginia Mainstem</li></ul>
title: Chesapeake Bay Tributary Basin Summary Groups
type: Map Service
tags: ["Boundaries","Monitoring","Healthy Watersheds"]
culture: en-US
name: Tributary_Basins
guid: 5ECD5078-B849-4B85-8113-6C560B812FB8
minScale: 0
spatialReference: NAD_1983_UTM_Zone_18N